Source: for William Cane

As I was driving to work earlier this week, I was listening to the radio and the topic was “The Art of Kissing.” I was thinking, wow this is a great subject for Friday. As I really started thinking, how does one perfect their kissing? I know I love a good kiss probably like anyone else reading this. Kissing can really stir up some emotions if the other person is great at kissing. I don’t know about anyone else but I have had some kisses that left me saying DAYUMMMMMMM.

I noticed there are plenty of books and video about the art of kissing, however, the station was discussing a book by William Cane and how he describes the art of kissing. When I went to the website I was shocked to see that Mr. Cane makes appearances to colleges and universities.

Some of the topics covered by Mr. Cane topics covered include the psychology of kissing, how to avoid kissing diseases, and methods of making yourself more kissable in the eyes of the opposite sex. He also delights you with tips for more intimate kisses, advice on where men and women like to be kissed best (based on the first Internet kissing survey in history), bizarre kissing customs from around the world, the newest fads in French kissing, and point by point instructions for today’s trendiest kisses, including:

  the upside-down kiss
  the lip-o-suction kiss
  the vacuum kiss
  the music kiss, and
  the Trobriand Islands kiss.


The Art of Kissing, (St. Martin’s Press, revised edition 1995). Since the initial publication of his comprehensive kisser’s manual, The Art of Kissing, author William Cane has received thousands of phone calls, letters, and e-mails from readers with questions, concerns, and comments about their kissing techniques. In this revised edition of an international classic (now published in nineteen countries and seventeen languages), he shares their insights, responds to their questions, and calms their kissing qualms with more of the lip-smacking wisdom his fans have been waiting for. New topics include:

The kinds of kisses men and women like most (and least!) according to the results of the world’s first Internet kissing survey.

How to overcome your kissing shyness and kissing anxieties?

More lips-on instruction and wisdom from real kissers on how to perfect the first kiss, the eye kiss, the nose kiss, the neck kiss, the public kiss, and the wet kiss, as well as complete instructions for all-new kisses, including the butterfly kiss, the friendly kiss, and the lip-o-suction kiss.

I know I want to see which kisses were the worst and best. I can imagine sloppy kisses or those wet kisses where the person leaves your face wet (like you need a face washing or something). The book seems to be a pretty good buy. I am going to have to purchase the book and let everyone know what I really think of his publication. The radio personality was raving about the book. If anyone has read this book please leave a comment and let us know what you think about the “Art of Kissing” by William Cane. Also did it enhance your kissing abilities?

Kiss away my Glossy Ones!!

Sensual Element

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