Month: May 2007

Lifting Our Spirits

From the Book Walk Tall – Affirmations for People of Color by Carleen Brice No matter how bad things got, our ancestors found something to laugh at.  Humor was one of their positive coping skills. A sense of humor can get us through some pretty tough spots, but sometimes it’s hard to find things to […] Read more…

What’s Really Going On?????

Has anyone heard of Alexyss K. Tylor?  She is an advocate on Vagina Power.  She started off as a TV host in Atlanta.  However, I guess she was too bold about her vagina, so her show was cancelled.  Now, Alexyss has a book and let us just take a look at what Ms. Tylor has to say.  […] Read more…

No Regrets

Wonderful Wednesday to You! I decided some years ago to live with no regrets. In spite of some of the bad choices I have made, along with mistakes, I look at them as learning experiences. I do not carry a load of guilt or shame around (think about Erykah Badu’s “Bag Lady”) and I regret […] Read more…

Blouse And Skirt

I have a severe fixation with British pop culture. (Sidebar: If I lived in England, I probably would be enamored with American pop culture.) As a youngster, I watched PBS and, sometimes, Canadian television to get my British telly fix. Now, I rely on BBC America. My favorites are Chef!, Coupling, The Vicar of Dibley, […] Read more…

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