
FRAAS Scarf Collection 2013

Hey Glossies, It is the most wonderful time of the year. Carols have been sung, eggnog has been consumed, presents have been opened. What else is there to do? Hmmm well, it is time to spend those gift cards buying wonderful goodies. Allow me to recommend the Fraas reversal scarf. It comes in several different […] Read more…

Mix Maven’s Beauty Christmas Wishlist

We all found out on Black Friday 2008 that the United States has been in a recession since December 2007.  *No duh!!* But anyhoo, in these shaky times, everyone still wants to look good.  There will still be some holiday events to attend, so glam it up (in moderation, of course)!! So here is my […] Read more…

Joyful 2008!

Christmas Cheer

A Few of My Favorite…….

Happy Holidays (Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa) to all. This writer’s strike is really bothering me. I am missing Conan O’Brien, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. If there were not other important things going on in my life, I would have no reason to exist. I hope both parties can come […] Read more…

Party All The Time

Glossy Monday Variety ~ 12/03/2007

Hey Glossy Ones, Happy December!  I sit here all bundled up because my cold turned in to a sinus infection.  Can you believe that I have been sick for the whole month of November?!  Ugh, it hurt me SO bad that I couldn’t get out on Black Friday.  Hopefully, I will be able to get out […] Read more…

Sensual Element’s Wish List

Mix Maven’s Christmas Wish List

Hey Pumps and Glossy Ones, Mix Maven is feeling refreshed from the Thanksgiving break. Thankfully, the dinner went well and I was nice and full. I enjoy Christmas. Even though, I do not always decorate my home for Christmas, the season is held very closely in my heart. My favorite Christmas song ever is “This […] Read more…

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